Slow Wine World Tour 2020

It’s that time of the year again. Food and wine events are coming to our area in rapid fire sequence. Winemakers from abroad have a small window of time to meet prospective buyers, so instead of flying back and forth to the United States they cram in as many trade events as they can, usually in a one to two week window. Consequently we’ve been pretty busy tasting a ton of wine from Europe.

On Tuesday, February, 18th we were afforded the opportunity to meet and interview Giancarlo Gariglio, editor of the Slow Wine Guide. 2020 marks the 10th edition of the Slow Wine Guide. If you can relate to a world where everyone has an available food source that taste good and is good for them, good for the farmers and good for the planet, then you’ll appreciate what Giancarlo and his team of contributors are doing for wine buyers. We conducted the interview at the tasting event so the first few minutes are a little noisy with some background noise , but the audio is fine after that. We hope you enjoy our interview with Giancarlo. Cheers!